
Letters to McCullers:


Dear McCullers:

I miss you very much . Shoreless depression oppressed me all day. I went to hospital yesterday and took the surgery. Today I spend all day with pain as any second day I back from surgery. Bearing the insufferable feeling, although I spend most time lying on the bed and listening to the audio given by Jiangxun "A Dream of Red Mansions"(His voice is a great comfort indeed.) but I still have to get up sometimes and take the exercises for the coming entrance examinations of master's. I really feel helpless. No one is beside me .

When I think of you and Yukio Mishima, I feel get power. The notion that wanting to get involvement in this world inflict heavy losses on the condition of my health,. Biting off more than I can chew makes me feel upset. Because I am still a young man. I still have dreams. I still cannot put them aside as if they were never exsit.

Sometimes I admonish myself that it is not necessary to achieve what I want . I just need to be whom the “God” hints me to be is enough.

Dear Mc, I really feel tired. I miss you . what I should do ? I just cannot stop ....This is


and sorry for my poor English


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